Scarfcollector from FINLAND

Welcome to my visit my scarfcollection. I have been collecting scarves "seriously" since 2012. My aim in first phase is to get all major european leagues scarves.  I have noticed that the challenge is not easy, but "the chase is better than the catch".

I can also make exchanges, but i have to say that posting is valuable, and football-scarves are expensive too here (18-22€). Registrated letters are minimum 9,50/each so i rather recommendate countries where to send without registration. Due my cost-efficient thinking, collecting is mostly unfortunately e-baying and hunting the fillings from fleamarkets.

I have now (24.03.2024)
1371 Football scarves included match and national scarves from 69 different countries.
168 scarves from other sports (hockey, pesäpallo, volleyball, salibandy, basketball, american football and rink bandy)
1531 different scarves in total

I live in Tampere, Finland. 


24.03.2024 18:57


Its funny to find unlisted scarves in storage. I found scarf from Malaysia. Also scarves from...
06.02.2015 10:14

Internet sivut avattu

Tämän sivun tarkoituksena on osaltaan auttaa omassa keräilyharrastuksessa. Keräilen kaulahuiveja,...


Tagi-lista on tyhjä

My first proper football-scarf. Obtained from England in summer 2000.

Tampereen Ilves game in 1982

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